Copyright © Stockholm Ghost Walk AB. All rights reserved.
Monday to Friday from 1 pm to 5 pm +46761466600
You can sometimes catch us after these times but as we´ll be on the way to meet a group and not in the office, we can not take bookings.
The best way to contact us is by sending us an email to info @ stockholmghostwalk.com. We have right now problems to receive emails from yahoo addresses. If possible send from another address. You can also fill out our booking form here
When you book, we will need certain information. We need your namne and a contact telephone number where we can reach you on the day of the walk. A mobile number is best. If you are using a Gift Certificate, we will need the number on the certificate and in certain cases, a security number that is on the Certificate. We will also require a pint of blood and a strand of hair from each victim…er, we mean guest.